
There are multiple roles that you may have that grant access to different functions and abilities of Running Reality.

RoleDescriptionHow to get it
suggest edit
Everyone can suggest an edit at any time from the main map or a sidebar panel. Someone else must implement this suggestion with a world edit.
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Any time
ad free
When you sign up, Running Reality won't show ads on the map. This can be important to those who use Running Reality in a classroom environment.
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Immediately when signing up
submit history
Everyone can use the Running Reality desktop app to make edits to the baseline world history model, though you need to sign up to submit them. Edits must all have a citation and be reviewed by someone with a reviewer role.
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Immediately when signing up
make purchases
When you sign up, you will be able to make purchases of things like lesson plans and bounty credits. However, you will also need a valid credit card to complete the purchase. Immediately when signing up
Identify places in the world history model where there is extensive data so that regular users may find it more easily using search terms and has tags and on social media. Demonstrate commitment to the project
Create and manage projects to better guide and assist people in making edits to the baseline world history model, submitting those, and potentially earning bounties. The project manager can create tasks, identify historical map images that could help complete the tasks, and mark tasks complete based on submissions that come in.
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Demonstrate history credentials and commitment to the project
With this role, you review the history submissions of other users for accuracy of the data and appropriateness of the citations. This is an important role in validating and protecting the integrity of the Running Reality baseline world model.
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Demonstrate history credentials and commitment to the project
When you purchase a lesson plan for the first time, you will be assigned this role.
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Purchase a lesson plan
bounty hunter
Claim bounties that are attached to project tasks. Anyone may purchase bounty credits and put them on tasks to incentivize their completion. Anyone may submit history data. However, to claim bounties, you must first be assigned this role. Confirm you can receive bounty payments via a bank account